Our Stain Removal Guide

At Housekeeping WA in Perth, we provide tips and tricks on removing stains of all kinds. Trust our cleaning experts to provide the advice you need. Find help below, or simply contact our team to learn more.



Rinse with a mild detergent solution and cold water. Rinse further with cloudy ammonia solution. Rinse with vinegar solution.



Apply Dry Cleaning Fluid to a clean white cloth and dab at the mark – do not rub, detergent solution sparingly, rinse sparingly with fresh water.



Apply Detergent solution, then rinse with small amounts of fresh water.

Our Stain Removal Rules

  • If dry, vacuum area thoroughly
  • Always use gloves, we recommend Nitrile gloves.
  • If you spill any liquids, blot up ASAP using a towel or a wet vacuum
  • Dilute with cold water, blot up or wet vacuum excess and repeat as long as you’re getting results
  • DO NOT SCRUB! Blot or use a “tapping” action only if needed
  • Never use bleach-based products
  • Leave carpets as dry as possible, do not soak the carpets, use all cleaning agents sparingly
  • Don’t over wet with solvents (e.g. mineral turps and dry cleaning fluid), they can damage the carpet backing

If you can’t remove a fresh stain, call us at Housekeeping WA OR HWA Carpet Cleaning on 08 9380 9070

Stain Removers We Recommend

  • Detergent solution (1 teaspoon dish washing liquid to 1Lt of water) or a, WoolSafe approved carpet stain remover
  • Methylated Spirits
  • Cloudy Ammonia (1 part ammonia to 15 parts water)
  • Mineral Turps
  • Dry Cleaning Fluid (e.g. White Spirit)
  • White Wine Vinegar (1 part vinegar to 1 part water)

Stain removal worksheet

Stain Difficulty Directions
Blood Difficult Rinse with a mild detergent solution + (cold water). Rinse further with cloudy ammonia solution. Rinse with vinegar solution.
Dyes (e.g. cordials, soft drinks) Extremely difficult Best left to HWA Carpet Cleaning. Call 08 9380 9070.
Coffee Can be difficult Detergent solution, blot, vinegar solution then blot.
Tea Can be difficult Detergent solution, blot, vinegar solution then blot.
Beer Easy Detergent solution, then rinse with small amounts of fresh water.
Lipstick Medium Apply Dry Cleaning Fluid to a clean white cloth and dab at the mark – do not rub. Use detergent solution sparingly, rinse sparingly with fresh water.
Make up Can be hard Vacuum, apply Dry Cleaning Fluid to a clean, white cloth and dab at the mark – do not rub. Use detergent solution sparingly, rinse sparingly with fresh water.
Nail Polish Can be difficult Use acetone based nail polish remover. DO NOT RUB! Colour may transfer to carpet fibre. Best left to HWA Carpet Cleaning. Call 08 9380 9070.
Soup Easy Blot first, use detergent solution sparingly, blot again, fresh water rinse and blot.
Grease or oil Easy Apply Dry Cleaning Fluid to white absorbent cloth, dab or wipe the mark. Do not scrub.
Ink or Biro Hard Can use Methylated Spirits or Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing liniment) if still fresh. Apply to clean white cloth and dab at the spot. Do not scrub.
Paint (water based) Can be difficult Apply methylated spirits sparingly, agitate lightly, wipe with absorbent cloth.
Paint (oil based) Difficult Sparingly apply Mineral Turpentine when still wet. Note: too much will damage carpet backing!!
Rust Extremely difficult Application of lemon juice + light agitation may sometimes have an effect.
Pot plant stains Reasonably easy if fresh, difficult if old Apply white wine vinegar, leave for several minutes, then blot.
Red wine Easy when fresh Blot up spill, apply white wine, blot, apply Bicarbonate of Soda.
Urine Difficult Apply ammonia solution when fresh, rinse with fresh water and blot, apply white wine vinegar solution, blot.
Vomit Moderately difficult Will depend on what has been ingested, but normally a good carpet detergent will remove most of the stain while fresh.
Wood stain Extremely difficult Best left to HWA Carpet Cleaning. Call 08 9380 9070.
Tomato sauce Fairly easy Detergent solution, ammonia solution if needed, rinse + blot, then vinegar solution and blot.
Fat Fairly easy Warm – hot water with detergent solution, blot.
Wax Very Difficult Best left to HWA Carpet Cleaning. Call 08 9380 9070.
Crayon Difficult Methylated Spirits or White Spirits may work.
Jam Easy Detergent solution, blot, warm fresh water rinse, blot.
Chocolate Easy Detergent solution, blot, warm fresh water rinse, blot.
Mould Extremely difficult Best left to HWA Carpet Cleaning call 08 9380 9070.
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Get In Touch

If you need more tips, tricks and advice, call 08 9380 9070

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To book a clean with our expert team,
call 08 9380 9070

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